Four Schuyler generations: Donald Richard Schuyler, Jr. on great grandmother Allen Angevine Schuyler's lap (seated) with Donald Richard Schuyler, Sr. standing on the left and William Norton Schuyler standing on the right.
Donald Richard Schuyler, Sr. viewing a parade from the Treasury Building in Washington, D.C. He and wife Freda were in D.C. for Lyndon Johnson's presidential inauguration. Don was in the office of Eva Adams, director of the U. S. Mint. Prior to this position, Eva was an administrative assistant for Nevada Senator Alan Bible. The Capital Camera shop and Keith's Theatre (619 15th Street NW) are visible in the background.
The William Norton Schuyler family on a camping trip to the Kaibab Forest, Grand Canyon, Arizona. L-R: William Norton Schuyler, Emma (Peggy) Marie (Schaefle) Schuyler, Ruth Estella (Schuyler) Chalan, Marion Schuyler, and Donald Richard Schuyler, Sr.
January, 1952 newspaper photo of Delphine Squires' birthday celebration - her 84th. L-R: Mrs. William Marshall, Mrs. Roy W. Martin, Delphine Squires (Mrs. C. (Charles) P. (Pember) "Pops" Squires), honoree; Mrs. C. C. Boyer, hostess; and Mrs. William Norton Schuyler [Emma (Peggy) Marie (Schaefle) Schuyler] (standing at right), Mrs. G. F. Brewington (seated in front). Delphine helped found Christ Church Episcopal and the Mesquite Club.
Newspaper photo, Emma (Peggy) Marie (Schaefle) Schuyler (2nd from right), participating in a donation to the Variety School for Handicapped Children of Clark County. Other ladies named under photo. Mrs. Thalia Dondero is wife of Harvey Dondero, who was a roomer at the Schuylers' home and became prominent in the Las Vegas school system. Thalia was elected as the first female Clark County Commissioner in 1974, and Harvey Dondero was honored with an Elementary school being named after him.
Emma (Peggy) Marie (Schaefle) Schuyler at a Mesquite Club function in Las Vegas. Emma was present at the first anniversary party of the club, and was honored as a past president at this 41st anniversary of the club. Pictured with her are seated, first row: L-R: Mrs. William S. Park; Mrs. W. E. Ferron; Mrs. R. A. Wickman; Mrs. A. W. Blackman; Mrs. Robert Dula; and Mrs. Charles P. Ball. Standing, L-R: Mrs. Thomas E. Taney; Mrs. Lloyd R. Hile; Mrs. A. C. Grant; Mrs. William Norton Schuyler [Emma (Peggy) Marie (Schaefle) Schuyler]; Mrs. A. J. Brimacombe; Mrs. Spencer Butterfield; Mrs. David Farnsworth; and Mrs. C. C Boyer.
The first anniversary of the Mesquite Club in Las Vegas. Emma (Peggy) Marie (Schaefle) Schuyler is probably seventh from the right on the very top row.
Plaque presented to Emma (Peggy) Marie (Schaefle) Schuyler from the Las Vegas Mesquite Club for her service as a charter member in 1911 and as president in 1920-21. Post-humously presented in 10-21-2005. Jean Garner Cahlan, who is a current member, passed this on to Peggy's grandson Forest Cahlan about 2006 and then he passed it on to his cousin Donald Richard Schuyler, Jr.