52 x 46 cm. "Map no. 23000." Shows reservoir sites, irrigated areas, power plants, power sites, dam sites, national parks or monuments, and diversion from basin. Colorado River Basin/Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation; John H. Pellen, chief draftsman. Original publisher: United States. Bureau of Reclamation.
'Mapped, edited and published by the Geological Survey in cooperation with the Atomic Enegry Commission. Control by USGS, USC&GS, USCE, and Atomic Energy Commission. Topography from aerial photographs by photogrammetric methods. Aerial photographs taken 1959. Field check 1961.' Scale 1:24,000 polyconic projection (W 116°07'30"--W 116°00'00"/N 36°52'30"--N 36°45'00"). Series: 7.5 minute series (topographic). Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Contour interval 20 feet. Includes quadrangle location map. Interior--Geological Survey For sale by the U.S. Geological Survey
'Exhibit A'. 'Approved Sept. 21, 1916.' 'W.E.J.'"--Lower left corner. 'L-44-50 to 61. T-75 - 17 & 46'--Upper left corner. Includes discharge figures and plans for improvements to springs Scale [ca. 1:240]. 1 in. to 20 feet. -- Scale [ca. 1:2,400]. 1 in. to 200 ft. Vertical scale [ca. 1:48]. 1 in. to 4 feet. -- Scale [ca. 1:4,800]. 1 in. to 100 feet. Library's copy has "Proposed layout" written on it in pencil near lower center and other markings in red. Contents: Detail at springs -- Profile -- Alignment.
Relief shown by hachures. Added title: Rand McNally's new business map of Nevada. Shows range and township grid. Shows railroads. Color used to show boundaries of counties. Includes index to cities. On verso: Indexes to counties, lakes, mountains, rivers, towns, etc. Published by Rand McNally & Co. Scale [ca. 1:1,710,720]. 1 in. equals 27 miles (W 120°--W 114°/N 42°--N 35°). Originally published as pages 263 and 264 of Rand-McNally indexed atlas.
Relief shown by hachures. Title below scale: Rand McNally & Co.'s New business atlas map of Nevada. Shows railroads. Includes township and range grid. Includes index to principal cities with population statistics. Includes township and range grid. Index to Nevada counties, lakes, mountains, rivers, towns, etc. on verso. Published by Rand McNally & Co. Scale [ca. 1,710,720]. 1 in. = 27 miles (W 120°--W 114°/N 42°--N 35°). Published as page 321 of Rand-McNally indexed atlas.