'Fairday Mine, Cactus Range, Nye Co., Nev. property map showing vein outcrops and underground surface, May 25, 1916.' Handwritten in lower left corner: 'Map property of A.H. Lee, care [of] Tonopah Club, Tonopah, Nev.' 'Scale 200' to the inch.' 'Silver oz. Gold value 1/9.'
'Plat of the claim of George Wingfield, known as the Yankee Doodle and Desert Rose Lodes and Desert Rose Mill Site, in Goldfield Mining District, Esmeralda County, Nevada. Containing an area of 41.318 + 4.841 acres. Scale of 300 feet to the inch. Variation 17° east. Surveyed June 22-25, 1907.' 'Mineral Survey No. 3202 A and B.' 'Pat. # 132432, May 26, 1910.' Certification signed by Matthew Kyle, U.S. General Surveyor's Office, Reno, Nev., December 7, 1907.
'Edition No. 2. November 1916.' Map is one side of a folded flyer advertising mines and mining in the Eldorado Canyon district. Transporation options to the area are listed. Scale: 1" = 1000'.
'Plat of the claim of the Rochester Goldfield Mining Company known as the Texas and Lone Star Lodes, in Goldfield Mining District, Nye County, Nevada containing an area of 36.121 acres. Scale of 300 feet to the inch. Variation 17° east. Surveyed May 6-18, 1905, by H. F. Bruce, U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor.' Certification signed by Matthew Kyle, U.S. General Surveyor's Office, Reno, Nevada, November 11, 1905. 'Claim located February 3, 1904; amended December 28, 1904.' 'Mineral Survey No. 2330.' At top of plat: 'Vol 459, P 133, No 45841.'
'Numbers and black lines show locations of the principal mines, prospects and leases of Rawhide.' 'Compiled by Engraving Department of the Goldfield Review. Olmstead and Rich, Mining Engineers, Goldfield, Nevada.' At top of map: 'Compliments of the Goldfield Review, Nevada's leading mining paper.' Includes index. Published by Goldfield Review Press.