Several individuals pose by a body of water located at Furnace Creek Ranch. Their location is reported to be 278 ft. below sea level. Site Name: Furnace Creek Ranch (Death Valley, Calif.)
Exterior of Pete Green's General Machine Shop and Welding. Written on the back of the photograph, "301 N. Main Street," however the number on the building is 814.
An unidentified group of men. Some individuals are wearing medallions with different symbols and letters. This photograph was most likely taken in Las Vegas, Nevada. Stamped on the back of the photograph, "Photo by Shutterbug, Inc. P.O. Box 2286 Huntridge Station. Las Vegas, Nevada. Call Billy Heam DU 4-3182"
Pioche locamotive on an elevated railroad track running through a mill. The city of Bullionville was founded by John H. Ely and W.H. Raymond in 1870, but is now a deserted settlement and a ghost town.
Aerial panoramic view of a township in Pioche. The residential area can be see in the distance on the far left by the mountains, while a railroad track, a locomotive, and work mills can be seen closer.