Black and white image of Olive Lake, Clyde McGriff, and Della McGriff at what appears to be a picnic, most likely located in Las Vegas. Handwritten on the bottom border of the image: "Olive, Clyde & Della McGriff." Note: Image is from a family photo album that was loaned to UNLV Libraries Special Collections and returned to the family on July 17, 1984.
Black and white image of several teachers from Las Vegas schools, including the following (from right to left): Olive Lake, Rose Ullom, Cora Maeble, Dora Lee, and Maude Williams.
Black and white image with a description attributed to Olive Lake-Eglington written beneath: "Kirkpatric brothers (Ralph in center)" Note: Image is from a family photo album that was loaned to UNLV Libraries Special Collections and returned to the family on July 17, 1984.
Black and white image with a description attributed to Olive Lake-Eglington written beneath: "Jim, Ada, and Tweed in front of blacksmith's shop at Wilson's Ranch in Las Vegas." Note: Image is from a family photo album that was loaned to UNLV Libraries Special Collections and returned to the family on July 17, 1984.