Photograph is captioned "Las Vegas, Nevada, in 1876." Handwritten description with the photo: ""Las Vegas, Nevada, in 1876. Dellenbaugh original owned by Clifford Jones; color - washed autographed framed photo - print owned by Maurine Wilson.""
Exterior of Rockwell Electric Shop, Las Vegas, Nevada. A woman is standing next to an electric wringer washing machine outside of the shop. An automobile with advertising painted on it is parked outside of the shop.
Earl Rockwell and Bill "Limey" Pearson standing with Müller & Yost City Bakery horse-drawn delivery wagon behind the bakery building. The location later became that of the Fortune Club.
Photograph of two people and a dog beside an automobile outside J. Warren Woodard's Down Town Camp service station. Handwritten inscription included with the photo: "Warren Woodard, downtown, Camp Ground Camps, LV."
Photograph of a man standing beside a the remains of a burned school house. Handwritten description included with the photo: "Remains of old school house where R. R. Company room house was on. So. ? St. Burned about 1909."
Remains of a burned school house in Las Vegas. Handwritten description included with the photo: "Old school house after fire - were co. room house is now, 190_?"