The view of a Las Vegas train station with a SP, LA & A1 switcher engine (0-6-0) and caboose in early Las Vegas, Nevada. Handwritten onto the back of the image: "Original U. P. Depot."
The view of a hauling manganese for the first world war in early Las Vegas, Nevada. The Overland Hotel is visible in the background. Handwritten on the back of the image: "1st world war - hauling mang. - 3 kids to Las Vegas - 300 tons a day." Hand written on a slip of paper included with the image: "3 kids, mine owns included Roq Martin, Bill Ferron, "Chick" Chiapello (lived in LA, wealthy family) & probably others. Deal to purchase during March, 1918, when my mother, Ruth Ferron, was giving birth to me in Los Angeles. She didn't hear from Bill until 3 days after I was born, which did nothing to raise the stock of their new fathers! -Barbara Ferron Doyle."
A front view of the Overland Hotel with a crowd of men standing around an Around the World Buick parked in front of the building in early Las Vegas, Nevada. Handwritten on the back of the image: "In the days of trees." Handwritten onto a piece of paper included with the image: "Cashman Garage in 1922 was located in this bldg. - would be in LEFT corner, behind trees. - Tona C. Siefirt."
A close-up view of the Around the World Buick, including James Cashman, Sr (left), in front of the Overland Hotel in early Las Vegas, Nevada. Handwritten on the back of the image: "Standing left: James Cashman, Sr." Handwritten onto a piece of paper included with the image: "Two heavy-set men in backseat of car are twin brothers. Photo taken in front of New Overland Hotel. Cashman garage was located in a part of lower hotel bldg. - Jona (?) Cashman Siefeck (?)."
The view of an artesian well on the city golf course in early Las Vegas, Nevada. Handwritten inscription on back of image: "Well on city golf course Bill Pike & Dad bought land for $14.00 acre - sold to city for same price to build airport."
A view of an airplane possibly located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Handwritten on piece of paper included with image: "James Cashman Sr. - 3rd from left, leaning over (with hat on)."