Caves in hills behind Indian Springs (MacFarland's Ranch). Handwritten note on back of photo: "Mtns. behind ranch are full of caves like this - these are so tall you can stand in them without touching the top. Many Indian relics have been found in them."
Mrs. J. T. McWilliams. Handwritten note on back of photo: "Mrs. J. T. Mc Williams Death Valley Calif. Late 50's or early 60's. Notice her pet bird on her hat! This bird frequently 'took trips' with her!"
Handwritten note on back of photo: "Helen J. Stewart Born April 16, 1854, Died - 1926. This picture was taken a few days after her 70th birthday - April 16th, 1924. It was given to me by her daughter-in-law Mina Stewart on June 9, 1939. Probably the only picture of Mrs. Stewart."
(Left-Right) Mrs. Baldwin, Frank Waite's mother, Mrs. Helen J. Stewart, taken about 1905. Cemetery in the distance. Handwritten note on back of photo: "Cemetery in the distance, 1-Mrs. Baldwin; 2-Frank Waites mother; 3-Mrs. Helen J. Stewart. Probably taken about 1905."
Handwritten note on back of photo: "Probably taken about 1905; 1-Mr. Mosbach; 2-Frank Waite's mother; 3-Mrs. Helen J. Stewart; 4-Lucretia Baldwin; 5- Mrs. Moffat; 6-Mrs. MacWilliams"
A pair of wagon wheels in the desert. Handwritten note on back of photo: "Wagon wheel on trail near Las Vegas, by Doris V. Hancock - 1940." Stamp on back of photo: "Insist on Riley's Perfect Prints Jul 1, 1940 Guaranteed to Please."