From the UNLV Special Collections Photograph Collection on Book Illustrations (PH-00170) -- Drawing of people camped at Pyramid Lake in Washoe County, Nevada. Handwritten on verso: "Jackson, Donald, and Mary Lee Spence, editors. Expeditions of John Charles Fremont. Vol. 1, Urbana, Chicago, and London: University of Chicago Press, 1970. p. 606." [MLA8 citation format]
From the UNLV Special Collections Photograph Collection on Book Illustrations (PH-00170) -- Pass in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. Handwritten on verso: "Jackson, Donald, and Mary Lee Spence, editors. Expeditions of John Charles Fremont. Vol. 1, Urbana, Chicago, and London: University of Chicago Press, 1970. p. 636." [MLA8 citation format] "Pass in the Sierra Nevada of California".
From the UNLV Special Collections Photograph Collection on Book Illustrations (PH-00170) -- Beaver hat and fur-collared cape. Handwritten on verso: "Gilbert, Bil. The Trailblazers. New York: Time-Life books, 1973. p. 62."
From the UNLV Special Collections Photograph Collection on Book Illustrations (PH-00170) -- Carson and Godey returning from Indian fight. Handwritten on verso: "Carter, Harvey Lewis, editor. Dear Old Kit. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965. p. 33." "Carson and Godey returning from Indian fight. (from Frémont, Memoirs of My Life) see page 252."
From the UNLV Special Collections Photograph Collection on Book Illustrations (PH-00170) -- American West, who came to Dodge City. Handwritten on verso: "Print from: Amer. [American] West, 001 I, no. 4, Fall 1964, folder #50, neg. [negative] no. [number] 74-10-15cn."
From the UNLV Special Collections Photograph Collection on Book Illustrations (PH-00170) -- The Shoshoneans, members of the Shoshone Native American tribe. Handwritten on verso: "Print from The Shoshoneans by Dorn (plates 12, 13, 14), neg. [negative] no. [number] 74-10-3 cn."
From the UNLV Special Collections Photograph Collection on Book Illustrations (PH-00170) -- Headstone of the Shoshoneans, Shoshone Native Americans. The headstone reads, "Parker Wise, age 37 years, dies Nov. 8 1915, While on visit to Idaho. Buried like a White Man." Handwritten on verso: "Print from The Shoshoneans by Dorn, plate 1, folder #35, neg. [negative] no. [number] 74-10-11 cn."
From the UNLV Special Collections Photograph Collection on Book Illustrations (PH-00170) -- Grave site of the Shoshoneans, Shoshone Native Americans. Handwritten on verso: "Print from The Shoshoneans by Dorn, plates 2 and 3, folder #35, neg. [negative] no. [number] 74-10-12 cn."
From the UNLV Special Collections Photograph Collection on Book Illustrations (PH-00170) -- Grave site of the Shoshoneans, Shoshone Native Americans. Handwritten on verso: "Print from The Shoshoneans by Dorn, plates 2 , 3, Neg. [negative] No. [number] 74-10-12 cn."
From the UNLV Special Collections Photograph Collection on Book Illustrations (PH-00170) -- The Shoshoneans, members of the Shoshone Native American tribe. Handwritten on verso: "Print from The Shoshoneans by Dorn (plates 12, 13, 14), neg. [negative] no. [number] 74-10-3 cn."