From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). From left to right is Pioneer Mother, Filomena "Mom" Mirabelli; Political Mother, Margaret Lomprey; Humanitarian Mother, Thora Larson; Civic & public Service Mother, Terry Johnson; and Foster Mother, Loretta Gibbs for the 1978 Clark County Awards Celebration.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). From left to right is Youngest Mother, Donna Eadie; Creative Arts Mother, Joyce Straus; Working Mother, Donna Heeter; Professional Mother, Elizabeth Hilbrecht; and Community Service Mother, Fran Trelease for the 1978 Clark County Mother's Day Awards Celebration.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). Georgia Mae Thompson receives award for 1978 Clark County Mother ot the Year, receives award from Nevada Lieutenant Governor Bob Rose.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). On the left is Nevada Lieutenant Governor Bob Rose and Georgia Mae Thompson, 1978 Clark County Mother of the Year.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). On the left is Fedora Bontempi Simpkin, Georgia Mae Thompson, and Nevada Lt. Governor Bob Rose.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). From left to right is Donna Heeter, Clark County Working Mother of the Year, Nevada Lt. Governor Bob Rose, and Elizabeth Hilbrecht, 1978 Clark County Professional Mother of the Year.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). From left to right is Donna Eadie, 1978 Clark County Youngest Mother; Thora Larson, CC Humanitarian Mother; Nevada Lt. Governor Bob Rose, Elizabeth Hilbrecht, Clark County Professional Mother; Fran Trelease, Clark County Community Service Mother, and Filomena "Mom" Mirabelli, Clark County Pioneer Mother. (1978 Clark County Mother of the Year Award Ceremony)
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). Nevada Lieutenant Governor Bob Rose presents award to Filomena "Mom" Mirabelli, the Clark County Pioneer Mother of the Year, in 1978.