Newspaper clippings about essay contests for Las Vegas elementary school students; Letter from Helen March to the B'nai B'rith Women of Las Vegas; Essay, What America Means to Me by David Elson; Notes about the essay contest winners; Inscription for the Easter Seal campaign
Oral history interview with Nadine Connor and Harriet Watson conducted by Claytee D. White on May 29, 2018 for the African Americans in Las Vegas: a Collaborative Oral History Project. In this interview, Connor and Watson discuss their early lives and moving to Las Vegas, Nevada. They talk about African American women’s civil and social work, and the establishment of Charms, Inc. Watson describes founding the Las Vegas chapter of Charms, Inc. and organizing activities to feed the hungry, assist homeless youth, and funding for higher education. Lastly, Connor and Watson discuss the homelessness issue in Las Vegas.