'Date: August 1, 1952. Approved, Thomas A. Campbell, Pres.' Scale: [1 in.=approx. 300 feet]. Library's copy 2 has additional areas shaded, with original shaded areas outlined in red, plus various handwritten notations in pencil.
General Counsel recommends an examination of the water rights and water properties embraced in the mortgage, and an examination of the title deeds before the railroad company makes any real estate decisions.
Final LVV Water District group picture. Identified, Seated: Tom Weisner & Thalia Dondero. Identified, Standing: 2nd from left, Jack Petitti, 2nd from right, Dick Ronzone. (c. 1978).
LV Valley Water District officials from left to right is Ted Werner, Leonard Fayle, Louis Pico Sr., Harvey Luce, George Ullom, Maurice Gedance, James Ryan, Mary Jean Barozzi.
'Exhibit A. Location of water bearing lands to be sold to the District. Boundary of lands owned by Union Pacific which are not to be sold to the District. April 29, 1953. I-128'