Private "airport" for members of the 99's (guests of the Dorothy's) at the Lazy 88 Ranch in Pahrump, Nevada. See IMage 0131 128, pho023503. Site Name: Lazy 88 Ranch
Dale sits at the picker, dumping cotton into bin for baler at the Lazy 88 Ranch. Dorothy and their dogs are standing in the background with other unidentified people. Site Name: Lazy 88 Ranch
Dorothy stands next to her dogs sitting on bales of hay at the Lazy 88 Ranch. The dogs are named "Soapy" (the Weimaraner) and "Little Widdles." Site Name: Lazy 88 Ranch
Color Transparency of Dale Dorothy riding on a red cotton-picking machine. He rides over the cotton fields at the Lazy 88 Ranch. Site Name: Lazy 88 Ranch
El Rancho Vegas owner Beldon Katleman pictured with Hal March, Candy Toxton, and another unidentified woman. Site Name: El Rancho Hotel (Las Vegas, Nev.)
Moving the Houssels house from 6th Street to the UNLV campus. House is shown here on the back of a truck as it passes the Las Vegas Hilton. Site Name: Houssels House