Mixed Content
Oral history interview with Ken Frejlach conducted by Chuck Williams on January 21, 2015 for the Friends of Red Rock Canyon in Nevada Oral History Project. Frejlach begins the interview by talking about his family life and how they started working on Oliver Ranch near Blue Diamond, Nevada. He describes their duties while working and the Carole Lombard plane crash site. Frejlach also talks about his mother's medical illness. He talks about his move the town of Blue Diamond, and describes his time there attending school. Lastly, he speaks more about the Oliver Ranch property.
Archival Collection
Harley Roberts was a security guard on the Nevada Test Site in southern Nevada during the fateful "Baneberry" test in 1970. He, along with William Nunamaker, stayed at their positions on the site while others evacuated. Roberts was also one of the 300 or so workers who developed complications, including cancer, after being exposed to the radioactive fallout. Roberts filed suit against the United States government in 1972 along with Nunamaker, also alleging that his leukemia was caused by radiaoactive fallout. Harley Roberts died in 1974.
Partial plot plan and parking plan for the renovation of the Sahara. Includes bumper and concrete curb details, and notes on the plot and parking plans, roofing, and on building waste drains and sewer. Printed on onion skin.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South