Oral history interview with John McKay conducted by Donna Malloy on March 03, 1980 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. In this interview, McKay talks about his experiences living in Las Vegas, Nevada since the 1950s. McKay begins by speaking about his family history, his career in the electronics and engineering field for aerospace, as well as his experiences in two wars. Moreover, McKay speaks about his hobbies of hunting and fishing and his time as a musician around Las Vegas. McKay also spends time going over how the city of Las Vegas has grown and changed, the increase in crime, and the extreme floods in the 1950s. Lastly, McKay talks about the Nuclear Test Site, how casino gaming chips were used as money around the city, how the city of Las Vegas started and the future of the valley. Digital audio and transcript available.
Archival Collection
Report of the Lower Moapa Valley soil and water resources.