Black and white photograph of a showgirl posing in a costume at the Dunes Hotel. Inscribed on lower, left corner: Bernard of Hollywood. Site Name: Dunes (hotel and casino)
Black and white photograph of a showgirl posing in a full length velvet dress and a matching hat. Another showgirl in white dress can be seen in the rear.
Series II. Folies-Bergere production papers, designs, and photographs -- 17th Edition: The Best of the Folies-Bergere -- Costume production and design -- Opening
Black and white photograph of a showgirl posing with feathered fans in a topless costume, consisting of mainly metallic ornaments and a feathered headdress, at the Dunes Hotel. Site Name: Dunes (hotel and casino)
Black and white photograph of three showgirls posing in costumes. The two women on the side are in topless costumes and all of them are wearing large-brimmed hats. Description with the picture: "Debra Duck (Center), Shjyer, (performers)."