A newpaper clipping featuring an advertisement for "Les Ballets de Paques" (an Easter Ballet) located in Monte Carlo. Dancers like Vassili Sulich are included in the advertisement.
A newspaper clipping of a raving french review of Les Ballets de Paques (Easter Ballet) show performed in Monte-Carlo. Dancers in the show included Nyna Nyna Viroubova and Colette Marchand. Handwritten on the side of the article: "L'Espoir, 18 Avril - Nice (?) 1957."
A newspaper clipping of a french review of three ballet shows performed in Paris: Les Saisons, L'Echelle, and Prométhée. The review also includes a photograph of dancers Milorad Miskovitch and Claire Sombert.
Show Name: L'Echelle (ballet); Les Saisons (ballet); Prométhée (ballet)
A newspaper review of the opera "La Gioconda" performed in San Francisco, California, featuring a quote from dance choreographer Vassili Sulich. This article was written by Paul Hertelendy and printed in the San Jose Mercury News.
Show Name: La Gioconda (opera)
A newspaper review of the opera "La Gioconda" performed in San Francisco, Calilfornia, which includes complimenting choreographer Vassili Sulich for his work in Act 3, Scene 2 titled "Dance of the Hours." This article was written by Judy Richter and printed in The Times.
Show Name: La Gioconda (opera)
A raving newspaper review of the opera "La Gioconda" performed in San Francisco, California, including a positive evaluation of Vassili Sulich's choreography skills. The article was written by Barbara Bladen and printed in The Times.
Show Name: La Gioconda (opera)
A newspaper review of the opera "La Gioconda" performed in San Francisco, Calilfornia, including a positive evaluation of Vassili Sulich's choreography skills. The article was written by Rober A. Masullo, and printed in The Sacramento Bee Final.
Show Name: La Gioconda (opera)
A newspaper review of the opera "Eugene Onegin" performed in San Francisco, California, including a positive evaluation of Vassili Sulich's choreography. The article was written by Karen Smith, and was printed in the Peninsula Times Tribute.
Show Name: Eugene Onegin (opera)
A newspaper review of the opera "Eugene Onegin" performed in San Francisco, California, including a positive evaluation of Vassili Sulich's choreography. The article was written by Robert A. Masullo, and was printed in The Sacramento Bee.
Show Name: Eugene Onegin (opera)