Pete Menefee design. Transcribed from original drawing index: "black girl (Aba)." Costume Details: Female performer wearing a stylized robe with intricate design on the chest and tasseled sleeves, large loop earrings, and turban. Show Name: Jubilee! Performance Name: Samson and Delilah: Processional Site Name: MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
Pete Menefee design. Transcribed from original drawing index: "black girl (Aba)." Costume Details: Female performer wearing a stylized robe with intricate design on the chest and tasseled sleeves, large loop earrings, and turban. Show Name: Jubilee! Performance Name: Samson and Delilah: Processional Site Name: MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
Pete Menefee design. Transcribed from original drawing index: "8 black girls (serving trays)." Costume Details: Female performer wearing beads carrying a serving tray. Show Name: Jubilee! Performance Name: Samson and Delilah: Banquet Site Name: MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
Pete Menefee design. Transcribed from original drawing index: "principal male singer (King)." Costume Details: Male perfromer wearing a g-string, wrist cuffs, headband and cape. Show Name: Jubilee! Performance Name: Samson and Delilah: Banquet Site Name: MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
Pete Menefee design. Transcribed from original drawing index: "principal male dancer (Samson with cape)." Costume Details: Male bare-chested dancer wearing sandals, wrist cuffs, belt, short skirt, and leopard skin cape. Show Name: Jubilee! Performance Name: Samson and Delilah: Banquet Site Name: MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
Pete Menefee design. Transcribed from original drawing index: "principal male dancer (Samson, tattered look)." Costume Details: Male bare-chested dancer with blindfold and chains. Show Name: Jubilee! Performance Name: Samson and Delilah: Underground Site Name: MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
Bob Mackie design. Transcribed from original drawing index: "8 boy singers (polo coats)." Costume Details: Male performer in a brown polo coat, black gloves, leopard-print scarf and black fedora. Show Name: Jubilee! Performance Name: Bandwagon finale: B-Babies Site Name: MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
Dancers performing in Vassili Sulich's first choreographed ballet "Suite Lyrique," in the Bois de Boulogne, Paris, France. Show Name: Suite Lyrique (ballet)
Ballet dancers peforming in "Idomeneo," an opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, choreographed by Vassili Sulich, in Geneva, Switzerland. The opeara featured Luciano Pavarotti. Show Name: Idomeneo (ballet)