The William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration Photograph Collection (approximately 1980-2015) contains color photographic prints and slides of hotels and casinos located within and outside of Nevada, primarily focusing on Las Vegas, Nevada properties. Images depict hotel exteriors and interior scenes of casino gaming.
Archival Collection
With the rapidly expanding Hispanic student population in the Clark County school district, a demand for teachers, counselors, and administrators sensitive to the special needs of this segment of the student body became apparent. Gina Valverde White, a Cuban refugee, works to address those needs. Starting her career as a classroom teacher, she went on to become the Assistant Principal at Las Vegas High School and is now Assistant Principal of the Washington Alternative Programs School. She is shown here working with Hispanic high school students.
Folder contains a grant application for a proposed law school building for Texas Technological College, 1966; a bibliography of resources related to law schools; a scholarly article titled "Libraries, Liberties, and the First Amendment" by Robert M. O'Neil, 1973; and memos related to the development of a law library at UNLV. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
This promotional video showcases teachers and students at the Jewish Community Day School of Las Vegas.
Moving Image
Archival Component
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