Black and white image of several teachers from Las Vegas schools, including the following (from right to left): Olive Lake, Rose Ullom, Cora Maeble, Dora Lee, and Maude Williams.
Photographer's notations: Baby on H Stret, Madison Negro History week at Ronzones [?], Westside School in-service teachers. Some photos from this set were previously online with the digital ID pho022098.
Madison Elementary School (Las Vegas, Nev.)
Folder contains memorandums from the Dean of Administration to the Law School Advisory Committee and the Physical Plant Planning Committee. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
Panaca School, 1893 Chad Ronnow, teacher. Top l to r Rex Matthews, Margaret Matthews, James Wadsworth, Olive Gentry, [Violet] Lee, Grace Heaps, May Wadsworth, [?] Hansen, Ruth Phillips, Carrie Lee, Minnie Matthews, Elvira Clark, Lizzie Davis. Second row l to r Jessie Matthews, Mell Porter, Dave Wadsworth, Leve Blod, Grace Heaps, Noma Enpry, Ivie Lee, Madline Wadsworth, Eva Matthews, Aggie Mathis.