Cars travel down Walnut Road towards East Sahara Avenue west of Lamb Boulevard. The neighborhood has different types of single family housing tracks with vacant commercial land in the area.
A speed sign is posted on Walnut Road near East Sahara Avenue west of Lamb Boulevard. The neighborhood has different types of single family housing tracks with vacant commercial land in the area.
The Tacos El Burrito Loco restaurant on the southeast corner of El Camino Avenue and South Valley View Boulevard near the West Sahara Avenue intersection. Behind the restaurant is the Spanish Oaks Apartments.
One block off West Sahara Avenue on South Torrey Pines Drive, the development switches from strip malls and car dealerships to small business lots, and rural residential without sidewalks.
One block off West Sahara Avenue on South Torrey Pines Drive, the development switches from strip malls and car dealerships to small business lots, and rural residential without sidewalks.
One block off West Sahara Avenue on South Torrey Pines Drive, the development switches from strip malls and car dealerships to small business lots, and rural residential without sidewalks.
One block off West Sahara Avenue on South Torrey Pines Drive, the development switches from strip malls and car dealerships to small business lots, and rural residential without sidewalks.
One block off West Sahara Avenue on South Torrey Pines Drive, the development switches from strip malls and car dealerships to small business lots, and rural residential without sidewalks.
One block off West Sahara Avenue on South Torrey Pines Drive, the development switches from strip malls and car dealerships to small business lots, and rural residential without sidewalks.
Grace Hayes (left) and husband Robert Hopkins with other unidentified individuals in what appears to be a hospital room. "Photo by Bille Geller Date Dec. 23, 1956 Hotel Sahara Las Vegas, Nevada" stamp on verso.