Elevations, sections, and details of the coffee shop and Hickory Room for the construction of the Riviera Hotel and Casino from 1954. Drawn by H.G.H. Original medium: pencil on paper. Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Second floor master plans from 1981 for changes to the Riviera. Drawn by J.M. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect. Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Floor plans for the luxury suites on the 12th through the 16th floors, and the penthouse suite on the 17th floor for additions and alterations to the tower of the Riviera Hotel from 1974. Includes revision dates and key plan. Printed on mylar. John T. Iwamoto, delineator; Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect. Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Existing second floor master plans from 1981 for changes to the Riviera. Drawn by J.M. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect. Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South