Flow measurements of the Las Vegas Big Spring and Little Spring and well in July 1931 and July 1934. Measurements of reservoir and settling basin on July 17, 1934 and July 19, 1934, before and after passing of city ordinance to reduce water waste. Estimated consumption by refrigeration systems. Estimated per capita water consumption in Las Vegas, Fallon, Winnemucca, and Lovelock.
Las Vegas Land and Water Co. requesting an invoice from the city to pay the money they owed for having two uniformed officers enforcing water restrictions for the summer.
The Las Vegas Land and Water Co. received complaints of trucks taking water from fire hydrants, wasting large amounts of water and causing water pressure to drop.
Discussion of a meeting with the chamber of commerce regarding water metering in Las Vegas. The water company asserted that their desire for water meters was solely in the interest of water conservation and not increasing revenues.