Protestors at the Nevada Test Site circa 1980-1999. Sister Rosemary Lynch pictured from behind. Man to the left of Sister Rosemary Lynch appears to be Rabbi Mel Hechs.
Crowd of protestors at the Nevada Test Site sit on benches while camera is rolling circa 1980-1999. Fred Landau and Sister Rosemary Lynch appear to be in the front row (bottom left of image).
Protestors at the Nevada Test Site. Pictured left to right: Joan Smith, Sister Rosemary Lynch, and Joan's mother all preparing to be arrested on January 5, 1991.
Protestors in a crowd at the Nevada Test Site. Sister Rosemary Lynch, second from left, and Fred Landau, third from left, stand with other unidentified protestors, circa 1980-1999.
Protestors at the Nevada Test Site. Pictured on the left is Corbin Harney and O. Suleĭmenov, the Kazakh poet and leader of Nevada Semipalatinsk Movement, is pictured on the right. Ca 1980-1999. For a similar image see pho006469.