A photograph of Maya Miller, International Women's Year (IWY) Coordinating Committee; Jo Gonzales, luncheon mistress of ceremonies; and Gloria Steinem, keynote speaker, at the Nevada Women's Conference that was held in Las Vegas in 1977. Site Name: Las Vegas Convention Center
Note on reverse: L-R Jay and Roni Epstein, executive director; co-chairs Fran Fine, Paul & Ellen Bodner; Ed Asner, guest speaker; co-chairs Sandy & Marv Snyder; David Dahan, President and Yaffa Dahan
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Department of English Records (approximately 1970-1989) contain materials from the Department of English including the Fern first-year newsletter, the Commonplace essays from English 101 students, English as a second language program information, and the Southern Nevada Writing Project.
The General Land Office Survey Books (approximately 1881-1919) consist of nine bound volumes of survey maps originally conducted in 1881 by the General Land Office (which later became the U.S. Bureau of Land Management). The primary information shown on the maps is section, township, and range numbers, as well as designation and dimenstions of government lots. The books in this collection cover townships 13 through 32, which includes the majority of Clark County. The secondary information shown on the maps is topographical and geographical in nature, showing mountains, washes, rivers, major wagon roads, and types of vegetation. The hachure lines along section lines indicate mountains and in all probability those lines were not actually walked. Patent application lists are attached to some maps, which also have property owner's name and address. If the patent was granted, the patent number is also shown. If the patent application nwas withdrawn or forfeited, that notation was also noted.