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Folder contains a report titled "Accredited Law School Library Approved by American Bar Association and Association of American Law Schools: Minimum Collection and Estimated Start Up Costs" prepared for Lilly Fong, University of Nevada Regent, By Katherine Henderson, Clark County Law Library Director. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
Archival Component
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From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series III. Beatty, Nevada -- Subseries III.G. Reidhead Family. Back row, left to right: Shirley Gibbens, Jeanette Poland, Claudia Davies, Mary Lu Bright, teacher Irma Cunningham, Georgina Shirley, Esther Ray McCann, Rowina McLean and Jean Bacoccina. Front row, left to right: Robert Bright, Virginia Revert, Sherry Looney, Julia Landis, Jimmy Shoshone, (?), (?), Tilford Landis.