42 x 39 cm., folded to 21 x 9 cm. Panel title: Las Vegas and southern Nevada map and street guide. Includes index. Includes illustrations . Advertisement for Nevada State Bank, text with facts about Las Vegas and maps of Henderson, Boulder City and downtown Las Vegas on verso. "Courtesy of Nevada State Bank."--Panel. Original publisher: Thomas Bros. Maps.
'Compiled by C. D. Baker, C.E., United States Mineral Surveyor, State Right Water Surveyor, Nevada. Las Vegas, Nev. January 1, 1929. Copyright applied for.' ; "Filed Dec. 10, 1936" and signed by Viola Burns, clerk, city of Las Vegas ; Hand-printed title at top of map: Proposed annexation to Las Vegas ; Map is stamped as Filed Dec 10, 1936 and signed by Las Vegas City Clerk Viola Burns. Library's copy has brown line hand-drawn around area to be annexed.
Not drawn to scale. Relief shown pictorially. Facsimile of manuscript map. Oriented with north to left. Shows Las Vegas Mormon Fort, desert, mountains.
71 x 68 cm. on sheet 106 x 71 cm., folded in cover 25 x 12 cm. Cover title: Latest edition, city map and street index of "fabulous" Las Vegas and vicinity, Nevada. Publisher from cover. "H-654-32." Includes indexes. Inside of cover includes information on Las Vegas. Includes inset maps of Boulder City, Nevada, and Las Vegas's location. Original publisher: R. L. Polk.
Scale [ca. 1:9,600. 1 in. to approx. 800 ft.]. Cadastral map. 'Compiled by Pioneer Title Insurance &Trust Company.' 'By Jack Asher, State Nev. Reg. Engr. No. 305.' 'Issue 5, 6/1/46.' Includes indexes. Pioneer Title Insurance & Trust Company
'Edition of Mar. 1908, reprinted 1943.' 'E.M. Douglas, Geographer in charge. Topography and triangulation by R.H. Chapman, B.D. Stewart, J.E. Blackburn and D.F.C. Moor. Surveyed in 1906-1907.' Scale 1:250,000 ; polyconic proj. (W 116°00´--W 115°00´/N 37°00´--N 36°00´). Relief shown by contours and spot heights. 'Contour interval 100 feet.' 'Datum is mean sea level.' Includes township and range lines. Text and illustrations from the Topographic maps of the United States series on verso. Series: The topograhic maps of the United States. Map includes the Desert Range; Sheep Range; Pintwater Range; Las Vegas Range; Spring Mountains; Indian Springs Valley; Spotted Range. United States, Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey
'The professional street map of greater Las Vegas, Nevada. Detailed guide of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Paradise Valley & vicinity' -- front panel. ' Street index on map verso. Original publisher: Front Boy Service Co. Scale [ca. 1:44,352. 1 in. to approx. 0.70 mi.].
'Chief Engineers Office, Los Angeles, Calif. August 4, 1931. Scale: 1"=100'. Drawn by L.P.D. 1"=10'.' Accompanies: Letter from R. L. Adamson to F. H. Knickerbocker, August 18, 1931 (Folder 6B: 18-1-9).
1960 ed. Scale [ca. 1:47,520. 1 in. equals approx. 0.75 miles.] 1 map : col. ; 41 x 43 cm., folded to 22 x 10 cm. Panel title: Welcome map : greater Las Vegas area and scenic routes to and from there. "1960-61 edition."--Panel. Irregularly-shaped map. Includes list of Las Vegas schools, inset maps of East Las Vegas (Whitney) and Wherry housing area on Nellis Air Force Base and advertisements for Las Vegas businesses. Index, mileages from cities in the United States to Las Vegas and sightseeing information on verso. Library's copy 1 has some art work and some lettering in orange and has "Las Vegas Nevada Chamber of Commerce" stamped in purple on panel. Library's copy 2 has some art work and some lettering in purple and has "Pioneer Title Insurance Co. of Nevada" stamped in black on panel. Nevada State Motel Association?