On February 24, 1979, Suzanne Wright interviewed Stella Fleming (born December 1, 1897 in Victoria, Canada) about her experiences as a Las Vegas, Nevada resident and as a worker in the welfare department in Clark County. Fleming first talks about some of her work in welfare and specifically the early practices of the welfare administration. She also discusses her work as it related to the Works Progress Administration, the American Red Cross, and the Nevada Emergency Relief Program. Fleming also provided some anecdotes about her experiences in that field before moving on to discuss some of the historical aspects of Las Vegas, such as the atomic testing, specific landmarks and locations, and the development of the city.
On March 14, 1978, collector Thomas Neill interviewed Myron E. Leavitt (born October 27th, 1930 in Las Vegas, Nevada) at his law office in Las Vegas, Nevada. In this interview, Leavitt discusses his law practice and running for various positions in Las Vegas, Nevada. He also speaks about growing up, playing sports, and coaching multiple sports in Las Vegas.
On February 27, 1980, Rafael Reyes-Spindola interviewed Mary Leo (b. Mary Susanne Kaime Leo in 1949 in Santa Barbara, California) about her life growing up in the Las Vegas Valley and her varied career path. Leo, having moved to Las Vegas as a toddler, talks about what the city was like when she arrived, the landscape, schooling and local life in general. She remembers the construction of the University of Las Vegas, Nevada and the growth of the city and population. Through her anecdotes, Leo shares the local attitude towards the Strip that Las Vegans develop as a result of being raised in the city and focuses the beginning half of her interview on life outside of the Strip. The interviewer and Leo move their conversation towards her career path, beginning in a coffee shop at the Riviera Hotel & Casino, her time in the travel industry, as a Las Vegas showgirl in the famed Folies Bergere show, her return to the Riviera as the director of sales and catering, and the legacy she hopes to leave behind with her career.
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The North Las Vegas Library Photograph Collection on North Las Vegas, Nevada (approximately 1905-1989) depicts life in Southern Nevada. The collection consists of over one thousand images dated from 1905 to 1989. The images consist of activities at Nellis Air Force Base, Southern Nevada politicians, celebrities, schools, churches, and city development.
Archival Collection