The New York-New York Hotel and Casino 9-11 Heroes Tribute Collection consists of materials from the "Heroes of 9-11" display that was at the New York-New York Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada from 2001 to 2012. The materials primarily consist of more than 5,000 t-shirts left at the memorial by visitors to Las Vegas, mostly from fire departments and law enforcement agencies from around the United States. Visitors left shirts and other items at the memorial as a sign of respect for the men and women who died during the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001. The collection also houses memorabilia and other items left at the memorial, including flags, hats, pins, buttons, flowers, and embroidered emblems and insignias. The materials also contain documentation of the memorial, including promotional and press materials, video recordings from the news media, photographs, and newspaper articles.
Original publisher: Rand, McNally & Co. Scale [ca. 1:1,203,840). 1 inch to 19 miles. Originally published as p. 316-317 of Rand McNally's commercial atlas of America. Title in right margin: Nevada : commercial atlas of America. Includes township and range grid. Includes index to Nevada railroads and index to principal cities with their populations. Index on verso to counties, towns and natural features in Oregon and Nevada.
'United States, Department of the Interior, Stewart L. Udall, Secretary. Bureau of Reclamation, Floyd E. Dominy, Commissioner.' 'Map. No. X-300-738. September 1967.' Scale [ca. 1:1,774,080] (W 119°--W 108°/N 39°--N 32°). Relief shown pictorially. Shows completed, under construction and proposed dams and reservoirs, canals, and aqueducts, power plants, pumping plants, substations, transmission lines, tunnels and siphons. Also shows non-Bureau of Reclamation dams, reservoirs, tunnels, pipelines and irrigated lands. Includes inset map of location of Region 3 and key map of drainage basins. Bureau of Reclamation, [Region 3?].