'Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. in the Clerk's Office of the Dist. Court of the U.S. for the South'n. Dist. of New York.' Scale [ca. 1:4,752,000. 1 in. to approx. 75 miles] (W 120°--W 102°/N 43°--N 32°). Shows natural features, and populated places, wagon route, proposed railroad routes and explorers' routes. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington.Hand colored. Atlas p. number in lower-right margin: 51. Decorative border. J.H. Colton & Co.
Wilbur Clark facing camera at round table, center at a formal dinner at the Astor Hotel, New York City, 1958. (credit: Bill Mark, Park Sheraton Hotel, NYC).
The black and white view of Howard Hughes and his crew at a parade after he completed his Round-The-World flight in New York. Handwritten on the back of the image: "B' way parade temporarily blocked by fire engines answering false alarm. 7/15/38."
A Formal dinner at the Hotel Astor in New York City, 1958. Wilbur Clark is located at the center of the picture, leaning his elbow on the table to the right. (Credit: Bill Mark, Park Sheraton Hotel, NYC.)