26 x 32 cm. Relief shown by hachures. "Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1867 by S. Augustus Mitchell in the Clerks Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania." Includes decorative border of grape vines. Shows Tucson as capital of Arizona; shows various trails including Cook's Wagon Route, Marcy's Route, and Kearney's Route. Written in pencil in lower right corner: 135. Original publisher: S.A. Mitchell.
The black and white view of Howard Hughes in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Description written on back of photograph: "July 14, 1938: Tired and bearded, Howard Hughes was surrounded as he left his plane at the municipal airport (World-Chamberlain Field) to secure weather information before leaving Minneapolis to complete his record-breaking around-the-world flight-- the fastest flight ever made in circumnavigating the globe. Photo-courtesy "The Minneapolis Star" Board of Park Commissions 325 City Hall Minneapolis, Minn."
Howard Hughes in the Lockheed 14. Typed on a piece of paper attached to the image: "As Howard Hughes took off from Coast for flight east. Los Angeles, California-- The huge Lockheed "Flying Laboratory" of Howard Hughes, millionaire oil man and speed flyer, taking off from here for the flight to New York, from where he will take off for Paris. Credit Line (ACME) 7/4/1938."