'United States, Department of the Interior, Stewart L. Udall, Secretary. Bureau of Reclamation, Floyd E. Dominy, Commissioner.' 'Map. No. X-300-738. September 1967.' Scale [ca. 1:1,774,080] (W 119°--W 108°/N 39°--N 32°). Relief shown pictorially. Shows completed, under construction and proposed dams and reservoirs, canals, and aqueducts, power plants, pumping plants, substations, transmission lines, tunnels and siphons. Also shows non-Bureau of Reclamation dams, reservoirs, tunnels, pipelines and irrigated lands. Includes inset map of location of Region 3 and key map of drainage basins. Bureau of Reclamation, [Region 3?].
The black and white view of several unidentified men standing near the Lockheed 14 aircraft while it is being refueled. At the time, Howard Hughes was then on his Around the World Flight with the Lockheed 14 where he visited Paris, Moscow, Fairbanks, and Alaska.
The black and white view of several unidentified men and mechanics standing near the Lockheed 14 aircraft that was then being refueled. At the time, Howard Hughes was then on his Around the World Flight with the Lockheed 14 where he visited Paris, Moscow, Fairbanks, and Alaska.
The black and white view of several unidentified men and mechanics standing near the Lockheed 14 aircraft that was then being refueled. At the time, Howard Hughes was then on his Around the World Flight with the Lockheed 14 where he visited Paris, Moscow, Fairbanks, and Alaska.