Oral history interview with Ashley Nitz conducted by Claytee D. White on February 6, 2018 for the Remembering 1 October Oral History Project. In this interview, Ashley Nitz discusses her experiences attending the 2017 Route 91 Harvest music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada with a friend. She talks about making the weekend of the event a "staycation", where she stayed with her friend at the Trump Hotel. Nitz goes into detail on the Route 91 Harvest festival venue and the events of that Sunday night when the shooting began. She speaks of the lockdown in the Tropicana Hotel and the support given there to all of the survivors, such as water and medical aid, as well as her journey home once the lockdown was lifted. The interview ends with a discussion on life after the shooting.
The Hughes Electronics Corporation Records (1935-2021) contain the files and publications of the corporate communications department and records donated by Robert K. Roney, a leading engineer at Hughes. These records document the growth of the company in Southern California, from building experimental aircraft for Howard Hughes, to developing and manufacturing radar and guided missile systems for the United States military and NATO forces, to developing and manufacturing communication satellites and space probes for NASA, and becoming the largest manufacturer of communication satellites and provider of satellite TV. The collection contains press releases, executive biographies, executive speeches, annual reports, corporate directories, organizational charts, correspondence files, technical reports and notes, promotional materials, as well as articles and publications detailing the history of the company. The collection also includes audiovisual materials and photographs. The audiovisual series details the history of the company through news footage and documentaries about Howard Hughes, aviation, corporate mergers, interviews with executives and promotional videos.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Alan Stock conducted by Barbara Tabach on December 27, 2017 for the Remembering 1 October Oral History Project. In this interview, Alan Stock discusses moving to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1999 for his job as a radio talk show host for KXNT. Stock describes the broadcast that covered the October 1, 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting from 11 PM on that night until 9 AM the next morning. He talks about some of the calls the station received from various members of the community, including survivors of the shooting, families of those at the event, people on lockdown in the nearby hotels, doctors, and general listeners. Stock describes some of the topics discussed on the broadcast, such as what was currently happening on the Las Vegas Strip, stories of the aftermath, and the support needed from the general public. Other topics include gun control and conspiracy theories. He discusses the impact this and other shootings would have on public affairs, including tighter security in daily living and public gatherings. He compares security in the United States to security in Israel and other countries, focusing on the idea of unconcealed guns worn in public. Throughout this interview, Alan Stock explains that the radio station's goal was to provide accurate information to the public during the aftermath of the October 1, 2017 mass shooting.
Renee Marchant Rampton has often referred to herself as "One of Fifteen." Indeed, growing up in a family of fifteen children, Renee experienced the care of loving parents, the excitement of a bustling household, and the engagement of an active Church; all amidst the strains of a depression era economy. Renee's mother, Beatrice Marchant, provided Renee with a strong role model with which to emulate; a disciplined woman, who rose to the task without hesitation. Beatrice became the family's provider after her husband's debilitating stroke and later served in the Utah Legislature during the 1970s. Renee loved music from an early age. As a young child she found an early job as a piano accompanist for a dance studio. In 1956 she married musician, Roger Rampton, a successful percussionist. They soon settled in Las Vegas, where Roger performed on the Strip and they began raising their four children. It was an exciting period in Las Vegas history as the Strip attracted musicians and
The memories and recollections of Alice Thiriot Ballard Waite provide a most interesting look at both at the Junior League of Las Vegas in the 1970s and the early days of Las Vegas. Alice recalls her childhood and young adult years after she arrived in Las Vegas at the age of five, giving the reader a rare picture of Las Vegas in the 1950s and 1960s. She was most active in the volunteer community of Las Vegas and served as Junior League President in 1964-5. Her reminiscences about the events and activities during the years while she was a Junior League member are an invaluable insight into its history. The exhibits she is sharing are an important documentation of those years after the Service League became the Junior League. She herself was a forerunner of today's Active members because she was a single, working mother while serving as the first "professional" President of the League.
Sydney Wickliffe, nee Botkin, was born in Long Beach, California in 1944. Her parents, Donald and Betty Botkin, moved their young family first to Denver and then to the small town of Ulysses, Kansas before heading for Las Vegas in 1952, when Sydney was eight years old. Since then, she has called Las Vegas her home, graduating from Rancho High School's inaugural senior class in 1962. Growing up in a growing city, Sydney combined an active youth with long hours working in her father's North Las Vegas pharmacy and, later, would earn her degree in accounting from UNLV. As a CPA, she worked as an auditor for the Gaming Control Board and, in 1987, was promoted to deputy chief. From there, she took on the challenging role of director in Nevada's Department of Business and Industry as a member of Governor Kenny Guinn cabinet. As she says, even "one of the north-town girls" can go a long way - and in this interview, she shares memories that help us all see what the Las Vegas she remembers was like in the 1950s and 60s and how it helped to shape the person she is today.