Exterior elevations of the Sahara administration building. Drawn on facsimile paper.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Sheet index for the architectural plans for the addition of a hotel tower for the Sahara Hotel. Includes general notes, N.I.C. items, and allowances. Printed on onion skin.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
General notes and sheet index for the addition of a hotel tower for the Sahara from 1961. Includes items not in contract, allowances, and alternates. Printed on onion skin. Leon Gluckson, architect; Berton Charles Severson, architect.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Index, legend, and symbols for the architectural plans for the Sahara Hotel Convention Center from 1966. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Crowded swimming pool area of the Hotel Last Frontier, yet nobody is in the pool. The sign for the Ramona Room is also visible.
Site Name: Frontier
Address: 3120 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Aladdin Theatre of the Performing Arts exterior.
Site Name: Aladdin Hotel
Address: 3667 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
Aerial view of Caesars Palace from the front.The black sphere to the right was the Omnimax Theatre.
Site Name: Caesars Palace
Address: 3570 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Flamingo Hilton circa 1979
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Looking north down the Strip with the Aladdin on the right and the Dunes on the left.
Site Name: Las Vegas Strip
Address: Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV
Two children, Anita and Charles Perri, near the swimming pool of the Tropicana in April, 1957. Handwritten text from back of photo: "Tropicana Hotel, Apr. 1957. Anita and Charles Perri."
Site Name: Tropicana Hotel
Address: 3801 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV