The Anna and Jo Pitney Personal Papers are comprised of materials documenting the lives of Anna J. Pitney and her wife, Jo Pitney, a long-time Las Vegas lesbian couple. They were together since 1955 and traveled together often. The collectionIt includes correspondence, news clippings, photographs and photograph albums, travel notes, and a memoir of their lives written by Jo.
From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Notes from the donor, Dennis McBride: Equality Won! Day was a celebration of the successful passage of transgender-inclusive legislation at the Nevada State Legislature during the 2011 session. … In 2018 Horsford was elected to the U. S. House of Representatives from Nevada District 4. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: right: Steven Horsford [Nevada State Senator, District 4, Democrat (African American)]
From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Notes from the donor, Dennis McBride: Equality Won! Day was a celebration of the successful passage of transgender-inclusive legislation at the Nevada State Legislature during the 2011 session. … In 2018 Horsford was elected to the U. S. House of Representatives from Nevada District 4. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: Steven Horsford [Nevada State Senator, District 4, Democrat (African American)]
From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Notes from the donor, Dennis McBride: Equality Won! Day was a celebration of the successful passage of transgender-inclusive legislation at the Nevada State Legislature during the 2011 session. … In 2018 Horsford was elected to the U. S. House of Representatives from Nevada District 4. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: Steven Horsford [Nevada State Senator, District 4, Democrat (African American)]
From the Dennis McBride Photograph Collection (PH-00263) -- LGBTQ+ events and organizations in Las Vegas, Nevada -- Digital images file. Notes from the donor, Dennis McBride: Equality Won! Day was a celebration of the successful passage of transgender-inclusive legislation at the Nevada State Legislature during the 2011 session. … In 2018 Horsford was elected to the U. S. House of Representatives from Nevada District 4. Individuals identified by the donor, Dennis McBride: Karen; Steven Horsford [Nevada State Senator, District 4, Democrat (African American)]