The Hotel Las Vegas tent in Las Vegas, Nevada. The handwritten inscription on the back reads, "Hotel Las Vegas, built by Las Vegas Trading Company in 1905. It was located on North Main St. between Stewart St. and the creek, across from Woodards Downtown Camp on ground later occupied by Elwells Warehouse. All canvas and lumber used in building was cut to size and holes bored, in Los Angeles, ready to be bolted together, upon arrival in Las Vegas. Hotel had twenty rooms; floor space was 40 by 130 feet. Kitchen and dining room are seen next door to hotel in right. The hotel was managed by Charles P. Squire. Photo by Eddy Gillette 1905."
Stewart notified the Las Vegas Land and Water Company that unless water was provided or the rent lowered, he would terminate the lease and vacate the property.
Series 2. Las Vegas Land and Water Company -- General Manager, Manager of Properties, and Manager of Industrial Development in Los Angeles, California -- Industrial Development Subject Files