Stewart notified the Las Vegas Land and Water Company that unless water was provided or the rent lowered, he would terminate the lease and vacate the property.
Discussion of the changes made to the purchase contract draft to protect railroad company water rights.
East and north exterior elevations of the Fine Arts Building (later to become the Judy Bayley Theatre) at the University of Nevada Southern Regional Branch, Las Vegas, Nevada (later University of Nevada, Las Vegas). Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0". "Sheet A-9 of 26." "Drawn: JM. Checked: JBM. Date 10 July 63. Submittal dates: preliminary 12-7-62; intermediate 3-17-63; final 7-15-63." "Bolt , Beranek and Newman Inc., consultants in acoustics. D'autremont-Helms & Assoc., consulting mechanical engineers. Helin Engineering Co., electrical engineers." "Fund code no. 82301." "State of Nevada Planning Board, Carson City, Nevada."
Site Name: University of Nevada. Southern Regional Division
Address: 4505 S. Maryland Parkway