'Covering Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Sunrise Manor, Winchester, Paradise and East Las Vegas from Craig Road on the north to Sunset Road on the south and Nellis Boulevard on the east to Jones Boulevard on the west' -- front panel. 'This tourist map has been published by CreaTours, Inc. in co-operation with the North Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce." 3rd ed. Scale [ca. 1:31,680. 1 in. to approx. 0.5 miles]. Includes indexes. Pictorial map of Lake Mead National Recreation Area on verso, by Cliff Segerblom. 'Lithographed by Creel Printing Company, Las Vegas, Nev.' Second edition, copyright 1977. 'Map not to scale due to artistic license.' Advertisements on map verso.
'F.V. Owen, publisher ... Los Angeles, California. Topography by C.H. Fenner, C.E. Decorations by L.J. Bergère. Gov't. data, H.A. Shamberger, C.E. Copyright, 1930, by F.V. Owen.' At bottom right of map: 'Dated Oct. 7th, 1930.' Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Contour lines are 100 feet. Incudes six hand-colored illustrations showing local points of interest. Includes information on Hoover Dam, and chart of mileages from Las Vegas. Scale [ca. 1:63,360]. 1 inch to 1 mile
'As constructed. Drawing W.O. - 8577. Office of Chief Engineer, Los Angeles. Drawing No. 41092.' 'Scale for details 1"=10'. 5-20-1930. P.F.D.' 'Scale 1"=100'.' 'Profile of new 24" CI pipe. Scale 1"=600'. Ver. 1"=20'.' Blueprint. Map of the water pipes for Las Vegas. Includes the buildings in the railroad yard, a detailed map of a section of the pipe, a profile of the 24 inch C.I. pipe, and a map of the point of diversion. Date of detailed map is 5-20-1930. Library's copy has hand-written additions in color. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co., Office of Chief Engineer,
'Plate 1. Source: Clark County Geographic Information Systems Central Repository. Comprehensive Planning, Advanced Planning Division. Feburary 20, 1997.' Scale [ca. 1:95, 040. 1 in.=approx. 1.5 miles]. Shows sewers, force mains, service area boundaries, watershed boundaries, and lift stations. Includes inset location map. Includes township and range grid. Clark County, Nevada, Comprehensive Planning, Advanced Planning Division.