Exterior elevations and details for a residential home on Fifth Place in Las Vegas, Nevada. Sheet no. 4. "Drw. D.H."
Architecture Period: Mid-Century ModernistImage
Floor plan with three different front exterior elevations for a ranch-style residential home in the Greater Las Vegas development in Las Vegas, Nevada. Floor plan is labeled "Plan 10," and elevations are labeled A, B and C.
Site Name: Greater Las Vegas
Floor plan with three different front exterior elevations for a ranch-style residential home in the Greater Las Vegas development in Las Vegas, Nevada. Floor plan is labeled "Plan 11," and elevations are labeled A,B and C.
Site Name: Greater Las Vegas
Two different sets of drawings of front, rear, left and right exterior elevations and roof plans for a ranch-style residential home in the Las Verdes Heights development in Las Vegas, Nevada. Drawing sets labeled Plan 5-A and Plan 5-B. "Drawn by J.C.M. Checked by E.C.B." "Sheet no. 6 of 25."
Site Name: Las Verdes Heights
Floor plan and three different front exterior elevation drawings for a ranch-style residential home in the Greater Las Vegas development in Las Vegas, Nevada. Elevations are labeled A, B and C. "10" appears in a circle above the architect's name.
Site Name: Greater Las Vegas
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