Information about the Hitchin Post Saloon & Steakhouse sign that sits at 3650 N Las Vegas Blvd. Site address: 3650 N Las Vegas Blvd Sign owner: BWNV LLC Sign details: Building was originally constructed in 1953 and sits on 12.70. The property houses on only a saloon/restaurant, but also a Manufactured Home Park and trailer sales. Sign condition: 4, well maintained Sign form: Pole mounted sign Sign-specific description: A double sided cabinet with the words Hitchin' Post at the top in a small rectangular cabinet with green neon, and the word "Motel" in a cabinet underneath in large red neon letters. The word "vacancy" is in a smaller cabinet at the bottom in tiny green neon letters. Sign - type of display: Neon Sign - media: Steel Sign environment: Property is in North Las Vegas, on North Las Vegas Blvd near Alexander Villas Park. Sign - thematic influences: The Hitchin' Post sign shares a similar theme from when it probably was constructed. The western style themes were very popular in the Greater Las Vegas area starting in the 1940s and through the 1960s. Sign - artistic significance: Western style themes and fonts where popular when the property opened in the early 1950s. Survey - research locations: Hitchin' Post website, Assessor's office Surveyor: Wyatt Currie-Diamond Survey - date completed: 2017-08-27 Sign keywords: Neon; Steel; Pole sign