View looking out of diversion tunnel, diameter 56' or more, inside finish 50'. Note on back: "Tunel is on Nevada side. Tunnels had compressed air lines and electricity installed Marion electric steam shovel. - W. A. Davis, 1992."
Looking into diversion tunnel. (Rig. Inside) Note on back: "Inside diversion tunnel, looking down 30 ft. tunnel to the power house. Tunnel lined with steel. Air hammer scars on the perimeter. Arizona side. - W. A. Davis, 1992."
Placing concrete liner in diversion tunnel, 3 feet thick. Note on back of image: "Photo taken at night. Pour lower invert first, then side walls, then ceiling. Covered walls with asphalt to prevent rapid drying of concrete. Jumbo probably sparying asphalt in this photo. Rails visible that jumbo rode on. - W. A. Davis, 1992."