I declare, Las Vegas Israelite, October 15, 1965; Hadassah meeting invitation, October 25, 1965; Letter to the editor from Mrs. Carl Cohen, Las Vegas Israelite, October 22, 1965; Notecard invitation to tea in honor of Mrs. Harry Levy, October 25, 1965
Hadassah to Give Awards for Teaching, Los Angeles Times, December 19, 1965; Gadabout All around the town, Honors for Hadassah, Las Vegas Sun, February 6, 1965
Funny Girl Gala, Las Vegas Review-Journal, date unknown; Tickets for Funny Girl, Las Vegas Israelite, January 17, 1969; and Hanukkah Program, Las Vegas Sun, December 22, 1968; Premiere Slated, Las Vegas Review-Journal, January 26, 1969