Variety Club Tent 39 is the local chapter of the internation children's charity that supported a day home for mentally challenged and handicapped children.
Corporate Body
Photographer's notations: Good Audry Jeane [?] at Convention Center '66, Class at Zion, Copy AM and N Choir, Easter program at Madison, Food Committee at J.M, Rev. Kemp in bed at his home. Some photos from this set were previously online with the digital ID pho023791.
Photographer's notations: Sis Phyllis Jackson, Bob Mabery at KTOO, Elder Trent at KTOO, Ray Blanks at Juevenile Home, Mullin at Doolittle, Scout Meeting at Matt Kelley, Ballet at Highland, Jo Mackey at Col. Franks, Marble game at Westside. Some photos from this set were previously online with the digital ID pho022093.
Photographer's notations: Brinda McKinney, 4-67 Kaypa's [?] Guide - Right Program at Holiday Inn, Boy's Club camping trip, AM & N Choir Visit, 4-19-67 Sewing Class at Doolittle, Birthday party at Play School at Doolittle.
Photographer's notations: #II-1 11-68, Hoola hoops winners at Thunderbird, Playschool Halloween party at Doolittle, Elder & Sis Hall, Winfrey's class at MK, Doolittle basketball tournament winners, Thomas's open house party, Football teem- Mingard [?].