The Las Vegas Hotel and Casinos series (1994-1999) contains images from Las Vegas hotels and casinos, including interiors, exteriors, and parking lots. It includes many images from properties that no longer exist on the Las Vegas Strip including the La Concha and El Morocco motels, the Riviera, and the Aladdin.
Archival Collection
Maggie Mancuso Collection of Film Locations
To request this item in person:
Collection Number: MS-00504 Collection Name: Maggie Mancuso Collection of Film Locations Box/Folder: N/A
From Harvey's Hotel and Casino Postcard Collection (PH-00367). The postcard reads, "Monte-Carlo. Le Casino et la Roulette." Which translates to, "Monte-Carlo. The Casino and the roulette."
The UNLV Libraries Collection of California Hotel and Casino Publicity and Promotional Materials includes Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-Q, press kits, press releases, promotional materials, and newspaper and magazine clippings for California Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, dating from 1974 to 2002.
General sections and details of the casino building of the New Frontier Hotel and Casino from 1966. Includes revision dates, key map, and general notes. Original medium: pencil on parchment. Socoloske, Zelner and Associates, structural engineers; Ira Tepper and Associates, mechanical engineers; J. L. Cusick and Associates, electrical engineers. Site Name: Frontier Address: 3120 Las Vegas Boulevard South
The UNLV Libraries Collection of Dunes Hotel and Casino Promotional and Publicity Materials consist of newspaper clippings, artifacts, show programs, and other promotional and publicity materials about the Dunes Hotel and Casino. Also included in this collection is a videotape recording of Channel 13's live coverage of the Dunes Hotel implosion in 1993.