Press Release attached to photo: "HUGHES HERCULES READY FOR TESTS. LONG BEACH, CAL. An aerial view shows Howard Hughes' giant plywood seaplane Hercules ready for taxi tests at Long Beach. The initial flight of the plane, which cost $20,000,000 and will seat 700 persons, will not be attempted until early in 1947. ACME 10/13/46." Los Angeles Harbor, Terminal Island are now known as Long Beach.
Photographer's note: "Aerial photograph of Crescent Dunes Solar, a 110MW tower style concentrated solar power plant with molten salt storage near Tonopah, Nevada, USA. On this day, the system was being tested by heating molten salt at the top of the glowing tower to 1050°F (566°C), then using the resultant thermal energy to drive steam turbines, which in turn sent electrical power to the Nevada grid.." Photographer's assigned keywords: "110 megawatts; CSP; Concentrated Solar Energy; Concentrated Solar Power; Crescent Dunes; NV; Nevada; Solar Reserve; SolarReserve; Tonopah; aerial; concentrated solar thermal; green energy; molten salt; renewable energy; storage; tower."