Text attached to the front of the image reads: "Marlyne Kirshbaum, President; Judy Frank and Melanie Greenberg, Campaign Co-Chairwoman; 1988 - $200,000." Handwritten description on back of image: "Marlyne Kirshbaum, W/D '86-87 President, presents awards to outgoing Pres. Judy Frank & Comp. (?) Chair Melanie Greengberg 5/86."
Handwritten description provided with image: "Left to right: Arne Rosencrantz; Lynn Rosencrantz; ? Susan Fine (hiding Mark) ?; Hank Greenspun; Evelyn Bittker; Paul Eisenberg; Shirley Kravitz; Dorothy Eisenberg; ?; Flora Mason; Shimon Peres."
Handwritten description provided on back of image: "L-R: Gail Heelit; Edythe Katz; Ruth Dayan; Jean Weinberger; 1st Pacesetter Event, $56."
Beldon Katteman with W. E. "Butch" Leypolot during the morning of the infamous El Rancho fire on June 17, 1960.
Printed text on front reads: "Youngsters Join Procession -- A scene of the Procession with the Scrolls of the Torah in which children of the Religious School participated. On the pulpit platform from left are Cantor Herman Kinnory, Hank Greenspun, Max Goot (holding the Scroll of the Law), Melvin S. Moss, president of the center, and Dr. Bernard Cohen. Mrs. Ivan Eisenberg, right, led Sunday School Class in the Scroll procession."
Newspaper clippings and an invitation for the Installation of Officers from The Sisterhood of Las Vegas Jewish Community Center, December 20, 1956
Newspaper clippings and an invitation for the Installation of Officers from The Sisterhood of Las Vegas Jewish Community Center, December 20, 1956
An informational paper about members of the Friendship Mission of Israeli Youth on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal.
An invitation for the Membership Buffet Dinner at the Jewish Community Center from President M. H. Gordon.