Description printed on photograph's accompanying strip of paper: "Howard Hughes speaking into a mike at Paris before leaving for Moscow on the second leg of his round the world flight 7-12-1938"
The black and white view of Howard Hughes on the telephone. Typed on a piece of paper attached to the image: "Howard Hughes a short while before taking off from Floyd Bennett Field on his hop to Paris 7-10-1938."
Description printed on photograph's accompanying strip of paper: "Hughes catches up with cables in Moscow. Moscow---Howard Hughes, sorting a packet of congratulatory cables on his arrival in Moscow. He was just beginning to sprout stubble with which he returned to New York, after his record-smashing round-the-world dash. 7/25/38"
Description printed on back of photograph: "A group at the State Department. Left to Right: Edward Lund, Harry MC. Connor, Howard Hughes, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Lt. Thomas Thurlow and Richard Stoddart. July 1938."
Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Howard Hughes after his round the world flight shaking hands with Secretary of State Cordell Hell as R. Walton Moore Counselor of the Department of State looks on. July 1938."
Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Howard Hughes being escorted through crowd after delivering an address at the National Press Club on July 21."