A large group of people at Wilson Ranch in Las Vegas, Nevada. Identification given with photograph: "Row 1 (left to right) [?] Du Prey, [?] McNamee, Bert Henderson, Little Fran, Clara Breese, Steve Stevens, [?] Du Prey, Harley Harmon, Emmet Harmon, [Leland?] Orr. Row 2 (left to right) Art Ham, Rose Henderson, Leo McNamee, Edith Orr, Francess Steavers, Lola Hinman, Fran McNamee, Dean Breese, Versonica Harmon, Mr. Hinman, Billie Orr, Grank Steavers, Farnsworth Orr, Isabelle Du Prey."
Selected correspondence and documentation for fiscal appropriations for transportation, police and construction projects in Southern Nevada requested for 2002.