Enough signatures had been collected to form a drainage district, but by such a small margin, that it was recommended 26 more signatures be secured before the process proceeded. Project Number: State Office No. 172, Clark County No.12. Name of Project: Formation of a Drainage District.
Plans for hotel room and public area additions for the Hacienda from 1963-1965. Includes elevations for exterior walls and men's and women's rest rooms. J. L. Cusick and Associates, electrical engineers; Harold L. Epstein and Associates, structural engineers; W. L. Donley and Associates, mechanical engineers. Site Name: Hacienda Address: 3590 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
The UNLV Libraries Collection of Project Faultless Photographs (1967 August 08-1968 February) contain black-and-white photographic prints of Project Faultness, a megaton nuclear test site in the Mojave Desert within Nye County, Nevada. The photographs depict scenes near and at the test site; buildings; and the area post-detonation.