Collection is comprised primarily of newspaper clippings on various topics related to Las Vegas, Nevada and Southern Nevada spanning from 1909 to 2007. The files were gathered and organized by the Las Vegas Library and include topics such as ghost towns in the Southwest and Western region of the United States, politics and government, education, gaming, and religious life in Las Vegas and Nevada. The files document topics of interest to the residents of Nevada. The files also contain biographical information on prominent individuals associated with Las Vegas and Nevada.
Gay Pride 1999 (Dennis McBride, photographer) Sunset Park. (5-8-99) Political advocate Lee Plotkin introduces Las Vegas Mayor candidate Oscar Goodman..
History of Blue Diamond in Nevada Oral History Project Public Event conducted by the Blue Diamond History Committee from approximately 2005 to 2015 for the History of Blue Diamond Village in Nevada Oral History Project. During this event, multiple unidentified individuals narrate the history of Blue Diamond Village in a public event hosted by the Blue Diamond History Committee. Other individuals also share personal stories of their experiences in Blue Diamond Village.